If I’ve learned one thing since becoming a mother, it’s that time is a thief and moments are fleeting. More so than before, I find myself taking photos of parts of my own personal life because years from now I want to remember how I felt in various moments as I watched my son grow up. And I often find myself looking at my own wedding gallery, each time noticing a photo that I hadn't before, which transports me back to that day.

Photographs are a visual time machine that can be used to look back and relive moments that passed too quickly. They are a tangible version of our memories - proof that we loved, felt, existed a certain way for a time. They represent a chapter in our constantly evolving stories.

My goal and promise during all my sessions & weddings is this: to cement a time in your life so that in 5, 10, 20 years from now you can look back at and remember how that moment felt, how that chapter in your life brought you to where you are today. Time passes so quickly, but we have the power to freeze it and relive the events and emotions that can be quickly forgotten.

And that’s pretty damn cool.

What Photography Means to Me

Well Hey!

If you’ve made it here, you probably know I love to photograph moments and the people that fill them. But, for fun here are a few random factoids about me:

  • I’m a wife to the coolest guy I know and a mother to the most amazing human to ever walk the Earth. They are my sunshine.

  • I love football, but only if it’s the Chiefs. Just kidding, I’ll watch any game but prefer when Patrick Mahomes is the QB. And no I’m not a bandwagoner - I’m originally from Kansas so it’s in my DNA.

  • I could eat breakfast foods for every meal and be completely happy with my decision.

  • A day watching Lord of the Rings or Marvel (End Game or earlier) is a great day in my book, but my favorite movie ever is Moulin Rouge.

  • I’ve re-read the Eragon series more times than I care to admit. Ok, it’s 5.

  • I’ll drink coffee any way you give it to me, but also love a good Moscow Mule or gin cocktail.

  • Also currently in school again pursuing my Masters in accounting - yay for numbers!

I love this hobby-turned-business more than I can explain. The people I’ve met and the moments I’ve experienced mean more to me than the Chiefs winning another Super Bowl - and that’s saying something.

I know there are a ton of photographers out there, so I am honored that you’ve even stumbled across my corner of the internet. If you think we’d vibe and you want to get nerdy while talking about some things I mentioned above (or not) while we create some art together, head to my contact form to get the party started!

A Little Bit About Me